Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Long Live My Brothers

An air of news spreading to most of my school members where a junior of mine was back to Rahmatullah since...I'm not sure when...but still, a takziah I wished to his family members and his beloved brothers, 0610 of the Malay College.

A dimmish idea came to up me since that news grew. I always thought on how sad it was if one of my beloved brothers 0307 died in a short period of time. And most shockingly, if they died in this early age of life beginnings. Will I make it to tell him that it was fun being with him all the 5 years period. Will I also make it even just to apologize anything to him. And how about missing the memories we shared together. Will it not complete if he was not around.

When some of my batch members were expelled from the school, in a flash really, we cried our tears our and screamed from top to bottom. Not to mention those sworing. Blaming the administrations for being unfair. For seperating our brothers from us. It felt like they will be gone forever. Metaforically. But, what if it was real. Real enough to see them gone forever. Out of this world. Our thoroughbreding will come to an end. In this reality really.

Thus, I really wished to see all of my brothers now. Being together all through the bumps and swirl. Sharing our life stories and getting along again. So that we will not miss any of the chances of seing our miracles in life. Everybody getting married and have children. So that we all can see ourselves grow old. Eaten by time. Rusting old and helpless. Along with the Roman Pillars. Another century will be good. I would really love it. Because I love my batch. I love 0307. Let us live and die together.